Track record

Track record

Overview of Our Track record

List of Track record

Change the number of items displayed

No Case name Loc Type Investment Amount
(Billions of yen)
1 Kirishima Solar Power Plant Kagoshima prefecture (Kyushu) sunlight 210 41.0 -
2 Ishikawa Project Ishikawa prefecture (Hokuriku area) sunlight 74 14.0 -
3 Kasumiura Nishinarii Solar Power Plant Ibaraki prefecture (Kantou area) sunlight 65 16.0 -
4 Okayama Misaki Solar Power Plant Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area) sunlight 154 34.0 -
5 Okayama Project Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area) sunlight 155 35.0 -
6 Wakayama Project Wakayama prefecture (Kinki area) sunlight 1 0.5 -
7 Shizuoka Prefecture Project Shizuoka prefecture (Chuubu area) sunlight 2 0.7 -
8 Tokushima Prefecture Project Tokushima prefecture (Shikoku) sunlight 1 0.3 -
9 Saitama Project Saitama prefecture (Kantou area) sunlight 10 3.1 -
10 Hyogo Project Hyogo prefecture (Kinki area) (Hyougo) sunlight 2 0.6 -
⬅︎ This table can be scrolled left or right. ➡︎